Porcelain Crowns & Bridges

What are crowns and bridges?

We use crowns for teeth that are severely damaged or that have been previously restored with crowns, that need to be replaced. Otherwise, we use techniques that are superior and less invasive as compared to crowns, like inlays and onlays (partial crowns).

A bridge is a type of crown that can be done to replace a missing tooth. This is again a procedure that we dont do very often nowadays, because dental implantology allows us to replace a missing tooth without invasively treating the adjacent teeth.

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Which materials are we using for crowns and bridges?

Porcelain and ceramic are the most common materials. There are a lot of different types available and for every situation the best material has to be carefully chosen. It is a choice that should be made together with the dental ceramist and depends on many different factors. During your consultation this is something that can be discussed in detail.
