Thigh Lift


A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the inner and outer thighs, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance. There are several thigh lift techniques used by plastic surgeons, namely:

1. Inner thigh lift: This technique involves making an incision along the upper thigh and removing excess skin and fat. This technique is often used for patients with excess skin and fat on the inner thighs.

2. Bilateral thigh lift: This technique is used to remove excess skin and fat from the outer and upper parts of the thighs. The surgeon makes an incision along the hip and inner thigh, removes the excess skin and fat, and repositions the remaining tissues.

3. Medial thigh lift: This technique is similar to the inner thigh lift, but it involves an incision along the groin crease, allowing for the removal of excess skin and fat on the upper thigh.

thigh lift amaryllis clinic plastic surgery abu dhabi dr. chris reuter german plastic surgeon before and after

The results of thigh lift surgery can include:

1. Improved appearance: Thigh lift surgery can remove excess skin and fat, improving the appearance of the thighs, leading to a more toned and contoured appearance.

2. Enhancing body confidence: Patients often report increased confidence and self-esteem following a thigh lift, which can have a positive impact on mental and emotional wellbeing.

3. Improved mobility: The excess skin and fat can restrict movement and chafe, causing discomfort. After thigh lift surgery, patients report improved comfort and mobility.

4. Clothing compatibility: Loose skin on the thighs can make it difficult to find clothing that fits well. Thigh lift surgery can improve the fit of clothing and increase the wearer's comfort, leading to increased satisfaction.

It is essential to work with a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess the patient's needs and goals to determine the most appropriate thigh lift technique, ensuring optimal results while minimizing the risks and potential for complications. Following surgery, it is essential to adhere to post-operative care instructions to facilitate proper healing and minimize discomfort and the risks of complications. The results of thigh lift surgery can be life-changing for patients, leading to improved confidence, increased mobility, and enhanced quality of life.


If you are considering a thigh lift, it's recommended to schedule a consultation with our plastic surgeon Dr.Chris Reuter or with our plastic surgeon Dr.Timm Wolter who can provide you with personalized advice based on your individual needs and circumstances.