Inlays, Onlays & Veneers

What are Inlays, Onlays and Veneers?

Inlays, Onlays and Veneers are small porcelain/ceramic restorations used to repair teeth. Compared to crowns, these techniques allow us to be minimally invasive (or if possible, even non-invasive) and to preserve the natural tooth structure. Moreover, these technics provide for greater aesthetic results and depending on the size of the defect a better longevity as compared to regular fillings.

Are Veneers only made for aesthetic treatments?

No. A Veneer is a minimally invasive restorative technique used for many indications (eg. cavities, functional problems, worn teeth).

Are there different types of veneers available?

Yes. There are many different techniques and materials available. It requires great knowledge from the dentist and the ceramist to choose the right technique for each individual situation. Only then, an aesthetically pleasing and long lasting result can be achieved.

​Are Veneers bad for teeth?

No. If the indications are assessed correctly and the procedure is performed precisely, veneers are a great technique for various situations, often superior to any other technique. We have an extensive experience in veneer treatment and will guide you in choosing the right solution for your teeth.

​Do you have to drill down teeth in order to be able to place veneers?

No. Only a wrong technique removes unnecessary amounts of tooth structure. Whenever, strategic tooth reduction is necessary, we use techniques allowing to do it in a guided and controlled way. The extent of the required reduction, will be discussed between you and your dentist before starting the procedure.

There are also veneer techniques that are purely additional and don’t require any reduction of the tooth structure. Ask your dentist to check if your teeth are eligible for this procedure.

​Do veneers cause bad breath?

No. If a Veneer is done in the correct way with a precise fit and respecting the biological width, they dont cause bad breath.